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Our Commitment

At CITIZEN, we are committed to providing accessible websites to all our users. We are continually working to improve the user experience for all website visitors by meeting or exceeding the accessibility standards established by the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).

Third Party Content

CITIZEN encourages developers to follow the best practices stated by the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). At times we will link to other sites and provide features built by third-party developers. We prefer to choose tools and content with accessibility in mind. However, we do not control nor can we be held responsible for the content, features, or applications third parties or users may build.

Contact Us

We are always seeking out solutions and welcome feedback that will bring all areas of the website up to the same level of web accessibility. In the meantime, should you experience any difficulty in accessing the website, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected].

Why Choose Us?


We value the power of connection and the importance of bonding with those around us.


Our community is built upon a foundation of learning and growth, with endless opportunities for residents to explore their passions and interests.


Love is at the core of everything we do at The Legacy at Long Meadow. We cherish the privilege of providing your loved ones with peace, comfort, and understanding.

All Together

At The Legacy at Long Meadow, we’re committed to each other’s well-being and success, making our community feel like home.

Our Lifestyles

At our community, we offer diverse lifestyle options that cater to your specific needs, and we personalize them even further to create a unique and fulfilling experience. If you’re undecided, our team will be happy to discuss each option and help you discover the best fit for you.

Assisted Living

Assisted living means we provide one-on-one care that accommodates your unique needs, giving you more time to connect with people, grow, and love life.

Memory Care

Our memory care program focuses on enabling those with cognitive difficulties and helping them connect with their community in a meaningful way.

Respite Care

Respite care can be an excellent solution for both individuals looking to experience our community, and caregivers who need a break. We are committed to helping everyone enjoy life to the fullest, regardless of their unique situations.


Where to Find Us

Find us on Mason Road, very close to Extra Space Storage.


  • 10403 Mason Rd.
  • Richmond, TX 77406

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