Our Community Life in Richmond

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Here, Life Is Like a Warm Hug

We believe that every individual deserves a life that is full of joy, warmth, and wellness. That’s why we dedicate ourselves to giving you not only comprehensive care and services but also opportunities to live a fulfilling life.

We cater to your individual needs, enabling you to make meaningful connections, discover new hobbies, and celebrate all the wonders of living. Our goal is to make your daily routines enjoyable and exciting, transforming every moment into a beautiful experience.

Schedule a tour today and discover how we make  life like a warm hug.

What’s Beyond Our Doors?

At The Legacy at Long Meadow, we pride ourselves on being a community that genuinely cares for and understands our residents. Our incredible staff members are dedicated to going above and beyond to elevate every moment of every day. 

With an endless array of exciting opportunities, our community encourages the pursuit of personal interests and provides experiences that make every day special.

Supporting Every Aspect of Your Well-Being

We understand that your physical and mental health are crucial components of your quality of life. Therefore, we provide comprehensive support for your overall well-being. 

By focusing on unique pillars of wellness, we strive to create a comfortable, easy, and fulfilling experience that feels like a warm hug.


Our fitness centers offer tailored exercise programs designed to meet your individual needs—whether a group program or a leisurely stroll through the park. Our goal is to help you stay active and enjoy life to the fullest.

Personal growth is crucial for all stages of life. Through our activities, we provide opportunities for you to have fun while keeping the mind sharp, healthy, and happy.

We’re passionate about making a difference in the lives of our residents, and are ready to provide support when needed. Whether you need a shoulder to lean on or an ear to bend, our staff is committed to making your experience a truly special one.

We believe that food is more than just sustenance; it is an experience that should be enjoyed. Our stunning culinary experiences cater to all diets and preferences and are designed to encourage connection throughout our community.

For many of our residents, spirituality is an essential part of their lives. Therefore, we partner with local worship centers to serve all spiritual needs, regardless of faith.

We place a significant emphasis on social connections, as they are essential for your well-being. Engaging in activities, meeting new people, and building a sense of belonging helps foster these connections and can support your health and slow physical decline. Life truly is better when we’re together.

What’s Around the Community?

The experience we offer doesn’t just end at our front door. We provide exciting trips to explore the vibrant community of Richmond. 

Some of the most exciting places to visit include:

  • Pecan Grove Park
  • Fort Bend Museum
  • George Park
  • And so much more

We can also schedule tours into the city of Houston for even more excitement and engagement.

Discover What Awaits You at The Legacy at Long Meadow

Whether you’re seeking an active lifestyle filled with exciting activities or a tranquil environment to enjoy your golden years, we offer the perfect setting for every individual.

Book your tour today and discover everything The Legacy at Long Meadow has to offer.

Why Choose Us?


We value the power of connection and the importance of bonding with those around us.


Our community is built upon a foundation of learning and growth, with endless opportunities for residents to explore their passions and interests.


Love is at the core of everything we do at The Legacy at Long Meadow. We cherish the privilege of providing your loved ones with peace, comfort, and understanding.

All Together

At The Legacy at Long Meadow, we’re committed to each other’s well-being and success, making our community feel like home.

Our Lifestyles

At our community, we offer diverse lifestyle options that cater to your specific needs, and we personalize them even further to create a unique and fulfilling experience. If you’re undecided, our team will be happy to discuss each option and help you discover the best fit for you.

Assisted Living

Assisted living means we provide one-on-one care that accommodates your unique needs, giving you more time to connect with people, grow, and love life.

Memory Care

Our memory care program focuses on enabling those with cognitive difficulties and helping them connect with their community in a meaningful way.

Respite Care

Respite care can be an excellent solution for both individuals looking to experience our community, and caregivers who need a break. We are committed to helping everyone enjoy life to the fullest, regardless of their unique situations.


Where to Find Us

Find us on Mason Road, very close to Extra Space Storage.


  • 10403 Mason Rd.
  • Richmond, TX 77406

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